一位客戶開始使用圓網印刷製造夜光法蘭絨毛毯,但遇到了意想不到的問題。他們 [...]
一位客戶開始使用圓網印刷製造夜光法蘭絨毛毯,但遇到了意想不到的問題。他們 [...]
很高興與您分享一個特例:來自加拿大的客戶Manon使用GlowUp®夜光粉 [...]
矽膠錶帶中斑點的挑戰 矽膠產品在日常消費品中受到青睞,因為 [...]
在 Glowup®,我們致力於認真傾聽客戶的需求,並不斷探索並發現新的見解。每個 [...]
時間:2023 年 10 月 案例:顧客計畫將夜光粉與透明矽膠混合,加入 [...]
Glow in the dark powder can absorb and store light energy, then emitting a glow in the dark. Glow [...]
As is well known, the advent of glow in the dark fishing gear has brought greater convenience to fishing [...]
Time: April,2023 Cases: Use glowing powder named MG-B4-RW (Magenta glow, particle size 30-40 microns, waterproof grade night glow powder) [...]
Time:March,2023 Customer Cases:The customer wanted to use Glow in the dark Pigment mixed with varnish and sprayed on the [...]