Application of Glow Powder in Plastic Coloring

Application of Glow Powder in Plastic Dyeing Glow in the powder, known for its ability to glow in the dark after absorbing light, is widely used in plastic coloring. These glow pigments not only enhance the value of products but also have practical uses, such as providing indicators in emergencies or at night. [...]

|2024-08-09T08:34:58+00:008 月 9th, 2024|勘探|0 則評論

How Long Can Glow In The Dark Powder Actually Glow?

Misconceptions about the glow in the dark powder duration Many people are informed that "luminous pigments can glow for 8-12 hours," but when they receive samples, they find that the glow duration is much shorter. Why does this happen? Typically, the statement "glows for 8-12 hours" comes with certain conditions. [...]

|2024-08-08T09:29:25+00:008 月 8th, 2024|勘探|0 則評論

The Most Detailed Guide to Choosing Glow Powder

Table of content Introduction I n the previous article, we discussed how to select the brightest photoluminescent powder from multiple dimensions. However, does a product made with the brightest powder necessarily have the highest brightness? The answer is not necessarily. This article will explain in detail how, as [...]

|2024-07-26T08:27:47+00:006 月 27th, 2024|勘探|0 則評論

Which Roads Are Suitable For Glow Paint?

簡介 夜光道路標記越來越受歡迎,越來越多的人詢問夜光塗料。許多人對如何使用夜光塗料、其工作原理以及一些常見的誤解有疑問。本文將探討哪些類型的道路適合使用發光塗料,希望能夠清除任何[...]

|2024-06-18T05:26:59+00:002024年5月16日|A B C D, 勘探|0 則評論

Glow In The Dark Paint For Safer Road Marking

OVERVIEW What is Glow In The Dark Road Marking? The concept of Glow in the dark Road Markings gained heightened attention following an article from BBC News, catching public interest in this innovative safety feature. Glow in the dark road markings come in various forms, primarily [...]

|2024-07-31T10:43:17+00:002024 年 4 月 29 日|勘探|0 則評論

Why Strontium Aluminate(YGZ) Replaces Zinc Sulfide

WHAT IS GLOW IN THE DARK POWDER Glow In The Dark Powder Luminescence Principle: Absorbs various visible lights, such as sunlight and artificial light, and emits light in the dark. Principle: Transition of light ions, which is a physical change. It has three main colors of yellow-green, blue-green and sky [...]

|2024-06-12T05:45:14+00:002024 年 4 月 12 日|勘探|0 則評論


市面上的夜光粉有三種主要粒徑:超細(5-15微米)、標準(20-50微米)和大(80-100微米)。這些範圍通常涵蓋大多數產品需求和生產流程。顧客經常會問如何從這些不同的尺寸中進行選擇以及是否可以購買夜光粉來自己研磨。答案 [...]

|2024-07-26T08:30:00+00:002024年3月26日|勘探|0 則評論


夜光粉最初應用於安全領域,主要是應對突然停電的情況。其自發光特性可指示逃生路線或在黑暗中起到提醒作用。從飛機和地鐵上的標誌到辦公大樓或地下車庫的安全標記,以及封閉環境中工作人員佩戴的安全裝備, [...]

|2024-03-11T03:48:38+00:002024年3月8日|全部, 勘探|0 則評論


隨著技術的進步和市場需求的多樣化,創新產品的推出變得越來越重要。透過我們市場部門的研究和資料收集,我們觀察到近年來發光粉的應用逐漸轉變,從傳統的消防安全和緊急領域 [...]

|2024-03-08T08:11:31+00:002024 年 1 月 17 日|勘探|0 則評論